St. Vincent dePaul SocietyThe primary mission of the Saint Vincent DePaul Society is to help people in the local communities with short-term needs (such as food, financial, transportation). St. Isidore Parish is home to the Stow Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, an independent organization of Catholic lay men and women. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul understands that within every community there are people who need a temporary helping hand. The Society believes that through the spiritual giving of time, caring and material goods the whole community benefits. News In May of 2010, SVDP participated in the Stow Community Chest round-table. We collaborated with the other parishes in town, several of the town departments and other social services groups. We are blessed to have an active support-system with many avenues of possible help for those with varying needs! In our last fiscal year, we helped over 40 people and families with short-term needs. Officers
Getting InvolvedSt. Vincent de Paul is first and foremost dedicated to the spiritual growth of its members (Called Vincentians) via serving the poor. Frederic Ozanam founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in 1833 in France. It is an international organization of men and women who reflect on the spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul and reach out to meet the poverty and injustices with which their neighbors are burdened. For further information, please contact Robin at the rectory, Resources and Services If you are in need of our services, or aware of someone in need, please contact the rectory, 978.897.2710. There are also SVDP services available through the SVDP District Office: For local information on local services, see our list of services with contact information. |