Schedule of Liturgy
- Sunday Eucharist at St. isidore
- Saturday 5:00 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
We encourage families to volunteer to bring up the gifts during Mass. If you wish to volunteer, see the presider, deacon, or one of the ushers before mass. When baptism is being celebrated or First Eucharist, or Confirmation, the gifts are brought up by families or children celebrating the sacrament.
- Sunday Eucharist at St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Acton
- Sunday 10:45 a.m.
Sunday 5:00 p.m.
- Weekday Eucharist
- 9:00 a.m. Monday and Tuesday at St. Isidore and
9:00 a.m Wednesday st St. Elizabeth of Hungary
unless othewise noted on the home page and the Parish Google Calendar.
- Holy Day Eucharist
- 9:00 a.m. at St. Isidore, 7:00 p.m. at St. Elizabeth of Hungary
- Reconciliation
- Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 p.m at St. Isidore
Sunday 4:00-4:45 p.m. at St. Elizabeth of Hungary
During Lent: Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM
- Baptism of Infants
- Fill out the Baptismal Record Information form. Call the office or email Joan Matilla (joan@applevalleycatholic.org) with any questions. Arrange to participate in our scheduled meetings for parents expecting
to baptize infants during the next 6 months. Baptisms are normally
at the Sunday or Saturday evening liturgies. In the weeks
prior to the baptism, Deacon Charlie will meet with the family
individually to go over the particulars of the celebration. (more
details and schedule)
Baptismal Record Information Form
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
- R. C. I. A. is an ongoing process of formation for adults: those
seeking to become baptized members of St. Isidore Parish. It also
opportunities for adults seeking full communion in the Catholic Church,
adults seeking the sacrament of confirmation. We encourage all who
interested to speak with Deacon Charlie Cornell or contact the parish secretary.
- Marriage
- Pre-register at least six months in advance. An essential component
of marriage preparation here at St. Isidore's is the group program
engaged couples. It looks beyond the marriage ceremony to married life
which is being entered at the time of the wedding. As of January 2018, all parishes and retreat centers use the Transformed in Love marriage preparation resources to prepare engaged couples in the Archdiocese of Boston.
See https://www.bostoncatholic.org/Offices-And-Services/Office-Detail.aspx?id=11658&pid=478 for a upto date schedule of dates and places.
- First First Eucharist Preparation
- The children prepare over a two year period through the Generations of Faith program. In the second year, usually the second grade, the
parents participate in periodic morning or evening sessions. For more details
contact Carmen Giombetti (cpg@seoh.org)
- Confirmation Preparation
- High school students preparing for confirmation participate in a
two year process on Sunday evenings. For more information, contact Jim Flanagan(jim@seoh.org). Adults seeking confirmation are welcome
to the RCIA track - contact Deacon Charlie Cornell