Infant Baptism at St. Isidore
- You have asked to have your child baptized. In
doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training your child
in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring your child
up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and
our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?
address to parents
Rite of Baptism of Children
- Baptism Process
- To bring your child for baptism, start by filling out our online Baptismal Record form.
We hold regularly scheduled preparation meetings for parents expecting
to baptize infants during the next 6 months. Baptisms are normally
at the Sunday or Saturday evening liturgies.
In the weeks
prior to the baptism, Joan Mattila will meet with the family
individually to go over the particulars of the celebration.
- Initial catechesis
A time for parents (and godparents, if available) to reflect on
the meaning and beauty of the call of little children to the waters
of baptism.
This will be done roughly quarterly
And yes, we include parents who have had children baptised in the last few years.
Next prep session: Right after the Sunday 8:45AM Mass at St. Isidore on January 20, 2019.
Please register in advance by calling the office between 9:30 AM and 12:30 PM Monday through Thursday or emailing Joan Mattila baptism@applevalleycatholic.org. Make sure you have first filled out our Baptismal Record Information form.
- Picking Sponsors/godparents:
Please see our short write-up on the requirements for baptismal sponsors before you start asking people to be a godparent. Please contact Deacon Charlie (cac@stisidorestow.org) if you have any questions on this.
- Immediate preparation and celebration
The priest or deacos will then meet individually with the family to
schedule a time for the celebration. There will be a short rehearsal session one or
two weeks before the celebration.
- Follow-up
A post baptismal follow-up will be announced for all families of newly
- Baptismal Record Information Form
- Online