Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
- How dependent is the parish on my offering?
- Totally! Even though we are part of the Apple Valley Catholic Collaborative, here at St. Isidore
the total operating expense of the parish is paid from the offering of all the parishioners.
- What is Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)?
- It is a modern, reliable, safe and easy way to contribute to our parish and has been running
successfully since its introduction in September 2013.
- How does the EFT system work?
- After carefully considering your contribution amount, you give permission to transfer electronically
a set amount of money each month from your checking or saving account to St. Isidore's
bank account.
- How do I go about setting up an EFT account?
- First off, you don't need a computer to implement this payment method. You just need to complete
a sign-up document where you state the amount you wish to tithe and provide a voided
check. That's it, there is nothing else to do. The amount you listed on the sign-up document
will be transferred around the 20th of each month to the St. Isidore account.
- What is the process I need to follow to stop the EFT or change the amount I'm giving?
- If you ever need to stop or change your EFT contribution, you simple write/email to the parish
office and let them know your new instructions.
- Why would I sign-up for EFT?
- Besides being easier and more convenient for you, your EFT contribution will help St. Isidore
parish. The EFT will help track our cash flow and reduce the work of handling, accounting, and
processing your weekly contribution. Also the EFT program increases the reliability and level of
parish revenue. This will make it easier to fund parish programs and accomplish our mission as
a Catholic parish.
- Is there anyone else who has signed-up for the EFT program?
- Right now there are over thirty families taking part in the EFT program at St. Isidore. Please
give some thought to being one of the families that pushes that number to over forty families.
- Where do I find the form to sign-up EFT?
- The form in PDF format is here and paper copies can be found at each of the church entrances.
- What is tithing?
- In the Bible the people were called by the Lord to return a tenth (or "tithe") of the fruit of their
harvest giving to the poor, and sacrificing to the Lord. Throughout the Bible we are encouraged
to return to the Lord a portion of all with which we have been gifted. Parishioners who tithe
typically give a total of 10% of their gross earnings to the church and other charities. It isn't
easy. Indeed, it is a sacrifice, but the Lord rewards the generous giver a hundred fold. It is a
risk of faith. We invite you to consider it.